
Our proposition

Web Application & Software Development Security Specialists.

SourceCodeRED specializes in testing and auditing software development processes, web application penetration testing, and identifying security issues in your CI/CD workflows.

If you are concerned that your software engineering teams or web applications aren’t meeting security or compliance standards, we can help.

See How we Can Help.

Our team can identify security issues in your development processes and web applications.  We identify where we can integrate DevSecOps and cloud-native security measures and provide remediation blueprints as feedback.

We can help you implement tools and automation so you can make sure that every release is secure and meets your internal requirements.
Our engagements typically run for two weeks and at the end of that engagement you will be given a report of our findings and a list of actionable items to address the problems found.

Pricing starts at $20k AUD.

Our team has advised companies of all sizes around the globe.

We can customize our playbook to help any size company including enterprise, government and startups.

US Army

Our team worked with the US Army to deliver application security and DevSecOps best practices for multiple projects.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company. Our team has worked with Boeing for years and helped them implement application security and scalability for multiple projects.

Blue Cross / Blue Shield

Blue Cross/Blue Shield is a conglomerate of 35 independent and self-owned health insurance organizations. It insures about 115 million Americans.

Australian Federal Government

Our team has helped implement DevSecOps practices for the Australian government. This includes building and securing the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and ancillary reporting for 4 different projects.


That’s why SourceCodeRED exists: To give customers access to a team of highly skilled and experienced DevSecOps practitioners via a managed service product. Our customers pay a monthly fee and get access to that team.

We are continuous improvement experts and our customers benefit from our deep CI/CD experience.



Gold Coast office

16 Nexus Way, Southport, QLD 4215

ACN: 669 707 680