3 myths about npm based threats

3 myths about npm based threats

Over the years, I've talked with a lot of developers and engineering teams—first during my DevSecOps consulting work, then while building SecureStack. Now, as I focus full-time on software supply...

Malicious NPM packages target marked-js library

Malicious NPM packages target marked-js library

Two NPM packages masquerading as legitimate javascript libraries were published to the NPM registry this week.  The packages were published by a user named "kamations" and target the marked-js...

NPM packages deploy new MacOS malware

NPM packages deploy new MacOS malware

A new malware payload is being delivered via NPM packages.  The NPM user named hi_ops published seven packages that are deploying a new MacOS malware.     How is the malware delivered? The...

Ultralytics publishes malicious PyPi packages

Ultralytics publishes malicious PyPi packages

The Ultralytics PyPi package was compromised today via a sneaky attack leveraging GitHub pull requests. Two consecutive package versions of the Ultralytics PyPi package were compromised and...